Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ewa Farmland Conversion Impact Rating

I found this blog while reading a post on Facebook. 
I speaks of how the current construction of the Rapid Transit System is impacting he environment. 
This issue is something we should all be aware about and understand. 

I believe in having to give up something to get another. 
But if sacrificing a natural resource that plays an important part in a significant amount of other areas within nature. Just to scratch the surface of a man-made problem that can be remedied in other manners. 
This sacrifice is not worth it.
We as humans continue to be our own worst enemy. We allow individuals and corporations to play us and dictate how things should be. 

Here is the link to a blog which includes some very good reading and information. 
Please share this blog with others that you care about. 

Aloha a hui hou kakou. 
Malama pono. 

Spencer Morgan 

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