Thursday, May 14, 2015

Kaniakapupu ("the singing of the land shells")

Aloha Everyone smile emoticon
While taking some time off of MoAloha Blasting LLC works. I spent some time relaxing my mind researching areas of Hawaiian interest today I found myself reading up on King Kamehameha's III summer home, Kaniakapupu ("the singing of the land shells").
I have attached a link to a website that has a short and interesting story about the Summer Home.
I am still looking for more information, stories, and legends about Kaniakapupu.

While reading and researching a song came to mind. A song that most of us raised in Hawai'i will remember dearly. 
That song is "Pupu Hinuhinu".
Are you smiling? smile emoticon I bet you are smile emoticon
Nothing but happy memories, singing with classmates, Aunties, Uncles, Tutu's and Family.
Just in-case you forgot the words I have posted them here. smile emoticon
Enjoy the memories! smile emoticon
Aloha a hui hou kakou! smile emoticon

Pûpû hinuhinu                                           Shiny shell
             Pûpû hinuhinu e                                        My shiny little shell
                    O ke kahakai kahakai e                            Found at the seashore
               Pûpû hinuhinu e                                         My shell, shiny shell

Pûpû hinuhinu                                            Shiny shell
             Pûpû hinuhinu e                                         My shiny little shell
  E lohe kâkou e                                            We all listen
               Pûpû hinu e                                                 My shell, shiny shell

Pûpû hinu hinu                                            Shiny shell
             Pûpû hinuhinu e                                          My shiny little shell
                   E moe e moe                                               To sleep, now to sleep
           E moe e                                                        To sleep, to sleep

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