While taking some time off of MoAloha Blasting LLC works. I spent some time relaxing my mind researching areas of Hawaiian interest today I found myself reading up on King Kamehameha's III summer home, Kaniakapupu ("the singing of the land shells").
I have attached a link to a website that has a short and interesting story about the Summer Home.
I am still looking for more information, stories, and legends about Kaniakapupu.
I am still looking for more information, stories, and legends about Kaniakapupu.
While reading and researching a song came to mind. A song that most of us raised in Hawai'i will remember dearly.
That song is "Pupu Hinuhinu".
Are you smiling? smile emoticon I bet you are smile emoticon
Nothing but happy memories, singing with classmates, Aunties, Uncles, Tutu's and Family.
Nothing but happy memories, singing with classmates, Aunties, Uncles, Tutu's and Family.
Just in-case you forgot the words I have posted them here. smile emoticon
Enjoy the memories! smile emoticon
Enjoy the memories! smile emoticon
Aloha a hui hou kakou! smile emoticon
Pûpû hinuhinu Shiny shell
Pûpû hinuhinu e My shiny little shell
O ke kahakai kahakai e Found at the seashore
Pûpû hinuhinu e My shell, shiny shell
Pûpû hinuhinu Shiny shell
Pûpû hinuhinu e My shiny little shell
E lohe kâkou e We all listen
Pûpû hinu e My shell, shiny shell
Pûpû hinu hinu Shiny shell
Pûpû hinuhinu e My shiny little shell
E moe e moe To sleep, now to sleep
E moe e To sleep, to sleep
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